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51. A Typhoon Flooded My First Show | READ-ALONG: The (Unlikely) Hong Konger Audiobook

The stakes are high for Sophia to finally sell some art at her first art fair. The only issue is biblical torrential rain.

Welcome to The (Unlikely) Hong Konger Read-Along. In this series, I've made a video for every chapter of my book so that, even if you're not a big eyeballs-on-a-page reader, you'll still be able to get stuck into the story of how The Hong Konger art collection started accidentally.

Chapter starts: 0:24

Chapter ends: 3:36


  • In the appendix of the book is a chapter called "Pricing Considerations". If you're puzzling over how to price your own artwork, this might be a helpful read (or watch).

Thanks for watching and reading along. If you'd like to comment under your YouTube account, feel free to click through to the YouTube video and comment there. If you'd like to comment anonymously, you can use the comment section on this blog post page below.

Get the book for HK$310 at most local Hong Kong English-language booksellers, including Kelly & Walsh and Bookazine, or online here through one of my favourite local stores, The Lion Rock Press, who also sell HK$350 prints of The Hong Konger art collection.

About the author:

Click here for the next chapter: Adoring Fans

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