Thank you for donating to the SPCA (HK) for Tales of Our Rescue Pets. It was a pleasure to draw your pet. All proceeds raised from this initiative have gone directly to the SPCA to support its crucial work in rescuing, housing, treating, and caring for animals across Hong Kong.
Download your portraits: Click on the portraits below, then the download icon (an arrow facing downwards at a horizontal line) to download your portraits. Please feel free to share or colour in your pet's doodle yourself! If you'd like to share on social media, feel free to tag @spcahk and @sophiahotung.
Paint your own pet: To digitally paint your pet on an iPad with the Procreate app, download the line drawing and import it into Procreate. Start painting on a separate layer below the layer containing the line drawing. To paint in real life, download the line drawing and print it out. We'd love to see your creations. Tag us on social media at @spcahk and @sophiahotung.
The more awareness that we raise, the more we can support care for animals across Hong Kong.

Can you find all 103 elements in
Where's Wags?
For many years, the SPCA has been working towards building a pet-inclusive Hong Kong by collaborating with the LCSD on pet-inclusive design, helping with staff training, and developing programmes such as Bring Your Dog to Work.
The ‘Where’s Wags?’ painting depicts a fun, pet-inclusive utopia in Hong Kong.
We hope that one day, pets in Hong Kong can enjoy a truly pet-inclusive community and have better access to public transportation, housing, restaurants, and essential services, and in turn increase adoption rates.
We hope visitors to the new SPCA Centre will enjoy spotting the 103 elements embedded in the painting, including the SPCA's comprehensive animal welfare services. The 103 elements are designed to celebrate the SPCA's 103rd anniversary of its founding in Hong Kong.
How to play:
After you've tried the Where's Wags? search challenge, use the Answer Slideshow below to check your findings
The letter at the end of each line corresponds to one of the rows labelled A to U in the image below, making it easy for you to find each numbered element

About the project
Sophia Hotung and the SPCA are launching the Tales of our Rescue Pets campaign to raise awareness on the benefits of having a companion animal — best through adoption — in addition to celebrating the opening of the new SPCA Jockey Club Centennial Centre in Tsing Yi, and raise funds for the daily and medical expenses of their rescue animals.
何慧恩(Sophia Hotung )聯同愛協推出一連串籌款計劃,包括「毛孩在哪裡」,來讓大眾了解有愛寵陪伴的好處,希望更多人領養動物!同時慶祝位於青衣的愛護動物協會賽馬會百周年中心的開幕,為日常拯救及動物的醫療費用籌款。

About the SPCA (HK)
Officially registered in 1921, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong), also known as the SPCA, is the region’s longest standing and Hong Kong’s largest independent animal welfare charity. The organisation’s mission is to promote kindness to animals, to protect their health and welfare and to prevent cruelty to animals. We also endeavour to cultivate a deep respect for life in the community through education, as we believe this will benefit personal growth and the development of our society.
Despite limited resources, we continue to launch new initiatives to improve and enhance animal welfare, including managing well-run rehabilitation and rehoming centres throughout the territory where our rescued animals await adoption. We are also active in controlling animal population by operating programmes that allow owned, loosely-owned, and stray animals to be de-sexed at an affordable price or even for free. In addition, the SPCA (HK) comprises eight veterinary clinics, and a spay-neuter animal welfare vehicle which are all equipped with surgical facilities to provide care for companion animals throughout Hong Kong, especially in more remote areas. The work of the SPCA impacts over 16,000 animals annually, including supporting other animal welfare organisations along the way with rescue missions.
香港愛護動物協會在 1921 年正式成立,是區內歷史最悠久及香港最具規模的獨立動物福利慈善機構。協會的宗旨是提倡愛護動物、保障牠們的健康及福利,以及防止動物受到虐待。我們亦致力推廣「善待動物及關愛生命」的人道教育,深信有關實踐能為個人成長及社會發展帶來莫大裨益。
協會99%的營運經費來自大眾捐款,以及獸醫部及會員部的收入。縱然資源緊拙,我們多年來均不斷推出嶄新計劃,以提升本地的動物福祉,包括營運多個動物復康和領養中心,以及透過動物生育控制計劃為流浪、自由放養及有主人飼養的動物,提供價格相宜甚至免費的絕育服務。此外,愛協於香港各區共有八間固定獸醫診所,以及一所提供絕育手術服務的流動診所。除了提供診 症服務外,部份診所亦設有手術治療,而動物福利車更助我們深入偏遠地區,照料所有有需要的伴侶動物。